Common Keyboard Shortcuts to Know | Prescott, AZ

Do you utilize keyboard shortcuts? There are a few everyday key combinations you can use to boost productivity whether you use a Windows or Mac computer. If you haven’t been using keyboard shortcuts, they will go a long way to making your day more efficient. We find that those in creative spaces get a lot out of these shortcuts, but of course, they are for everyone.


Ctrl + Z: Undo

No matter what you have been up to on your computer, Ctrl + Z is a universal lifesaver.

Ctrl + A: Select all

Rather than clicking and dragging your mouse across a paragraph or URL, simply click the general area of text and use Ctrl + A to save you time and finger strain.

Alt + Tab: Toggle

If you are running multiple applications on your screen and need to go back and forth, simply use this shortcut to navigate between them. This will save you time because instead of trying to figure out which application is minimized or open when doing multiple things, this lets you see it all at once.

Ctrl + Esc: Open Start Menu

Older generations of windows computers may not have the windows button that later models feature. To open the start menu to access different applications, Ctrl + Esc is a nifty trick!


For Mac users, the command key is the go-to starting point for any shortcuts you may want to make. The trick is to remember which alphabetical keys do what – and try not to mix them up on important projects.

Command + A: Select All

Simply click on the section of text you want to select and use Command + A to highlight the area.

Command + S: Save

This is useful when working on documents in the flow state. We all know saving documents as you go can be a lifesaver for those files that are too important to lose time on re-typing. Just use Command + S as if it were part of the paragraph, and your content will be saved as you go!

To learn more about our services, visit us online at or give us a call at 951.737.8558 today.

Business Benefits of Monthly IT Maintenance Contracts | Prescott, AZ

By integrating managed information technology (IT) services into your business, you gain peace of mind. Why? Our team will actively monitor your network, servers, and computer operating functions 24/7 to ensure they are up-to-date and working at full capacity. By incorporating preventative services into your business plan, you are expanding the security of your information and longevity of your enterprise.

There are many benefits to utilizing Up and Running Computer Solutions for your IT service needs. A managed services contract can be budgeted into your regular expense account and will allow you to stop worrying about your network, knowing a professional has your back. Preventable issues such as malware infiltration, data loss and corroded computer hardware are all things our team will monitor as part of your contract. 

They are also all issues that have caused business owners to lose their hard-earned clientele sheets, data and financial security. Not to mention these services can be performed on almost any device that’s used for business, such as desktop PCs, laptops, servers and mobile devices. The following list includes the benefits of having managed IT services:

  • 24/7 Monitoring– Many businesses don’t have a way to monitor their network day in and day out. Fortunately, a managed IT provider can monitor your systems 24/7. This type of monitoring is very valuable to companies because the earlier a problem is spotted, the earlier it can be taken care of. With 24/7 monitoring and maintenance, most any problem can be taken care of before it causes any severe downtime.
  • Talk to Professionals- If something unexpected occurs, you can always pick up the phone and dial your managed IT provider for expert advice and/or help concerning the issue.
  • Security enhancement- Having a secure system in place can be crucial to your company. With Managed IT Services, they generally offer contacts where they monitor your Firewall, Anti-virus, and can also apply all of the latest updates and patches to ensure you and your network is secure and that is runs smoothly.
  • Stay on budget- Managed IT Service contracts allowcompanies to stop worrying about their network and allows them to budget your IT expenses with no monthly surprises.
  • Free your time- Having a full service contract allows for one to focus on their business at hand, while the technical side is taken care of by IT experts.

Take the first step on the road to having a more productive, cost-efficient business by contacting Up & Running Computer Solutions in Prescott, AZ at 951-737-8558 today and ask for a FREE consultation of our Managed IT Services. Or visit for additional information regarding IT Managed Services.

Proudly serving Prescott, Arizona and surrounding areas.

Reasons Your Company Should Prioritize Backup and Recovery | Prescott, AZ

Companies today rely so heavily on online usage, it is important to have a data backup and recovery plan for their most critical data. Why? Because humans make errors, computers crash, and accidents happen at the worst times.

Data loss can happen in many different ways and we shouldn’t live by the idea that we can wing it. The most common causes are an accidental error, employee or competitor theft, or physical failure to computers, but they can range into the even wilder, like natural disasters or a spilled cup of coffee. Here are six reasons why you must have data recovery for your company:

Technology fails. Just in the last year, we’ve seen massive changes in the technology that we use. Many businesses are now virtually paper-free and need to be stored electronically.

People are fallible. Let’s face it, we’re only human. Backing up your information is crucial in order to remedy any accidental mishaps.

Natural disasters. From tornados to wildfires, mother nature has wreaked havoc on company technology systems. It will be an issue if you don’t have a data backup and recovery plan in place after a natural disaster.

Competitive advantage. Businesses around the world have suffered huge losses and reputation damage after losing data.

Theft. Sadly, corporate theft is on the rise. If employees were fired or laid off, 20% said they would be more likely to take data due to the anger they’re experiencing and pass it off to a competitor.

The future is now. An online backup service allows you to and your employees to access your data whenever you like, from wherever you are to work remotely, collaborate, and ensure the integrity of that information.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Prescott, AZ for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Prescott and all surrounding areas.

A Guide to the World of Information Technology (IT) | Prescott, AZ

If you are reading this, you have likely encountered the tern Information Technology (IT) before. You may associate this industry with cybersecurity, and the physical wiring of a space to ensure the proper function of the wifi and your computer. While those comprise a part of what IT specialists provide clients, that is not the full story. Here is a review of what IT is, and what IT professionals provide to clients- individual and commercial.

According to, “IT is the use of computer systems or devices to access information… Whether you are storing, retrieving, accessing or manipulating information, IT greatly impacts our everyday lives.” If you are a vendor who employs Square Space to receive payments, you are interacting with IT.

An IT professional implements, supports, maintains, repairs and protects your data and computer system(s). For commercial enterprises, professionals can be part of the installation and maintenance of your company’s systems from the very start. Hiring an IT professional for your business early on allows him or her to understand the building and how best to wire your components for optimal efficiency and maintenance over time. Once they wire your space, they can then go computer-by-computer to ensure your software and hardware are updated and secure. Maintenance contracts then allow your business to operate with a fixed cost for technology repairs whenever you may encounter problems. They will also routinely monitor your systems to ensure that as technology advances, your systems are prepared to handle the latest in security, storage and speed.

Individuals also benefit from consultations with an IT professional. If you get a new computer, want to learn how to safely transfer files or are running into routine technological issues, and IT can walk you through the steps you need. Unlike commercial enterprises, individual IT needs tend to be few-and-far-between. It is always helpful however to gain a secure system, and general understanding of how you can be your own day-to-day IT. When problems arise, enlisting help from a professional is always a good idea to ensure the stability and maintenance of your technology in the future.

Want to learn more about commercial or individual IT services? Visit us online at or call us at 951.737.8558 today!s

Understanding The Cloud | Prescott, AZ

“The Cloud” comes with a generally faint understanding by most people. It is this elusive idea that your information is stored somewhere “out there”. Its interesting to consider that such a unique and well-marketed concept is generally misunderstood by it’s users and potential users.  Here are the things you should understand about the cloud and how best to utilize it.

The cloud is a cute way to describe the way your data is stored. Rather than being held within your computer’s internal hardware, its accessed over the internet. Data centers around the world, not your computer’s storage, hold the information of cloud users.

It’s natural to wonder if that is safe, effective and why we would ever stray from knowing exactly where our files are stored? The goal of this system is to make access to these files stable and easy for the user. Once imported to the cloud, your files are encrypted and monitored against security threats. It’s effective because it ensures that a copy of your files are retained even if your computer crashes or internal microchips burn out.

Many people who use modern, mainstream technology know that Apple utilizes the cloud to send the photos you take on one device are automatically transferred to another. File sharing is one of the top three reasons to utilize the cloud; file sharing, file storage and backups.

According to Business Insider, benefits of the cloud include “slashed IT costs, more flexibility, increased efficiency, improved security, boosted performance, and the potential for innovation…”

While there are benefits, and many people across the world utilize the cloud for their files, it is important to note its not foolproof. Cloud services ring the bells of opportunity for hackers. Savvy hackers can gain codes that allow access to these files, even if they don’t know your passwords. Yet, they could do this to your personal device as well, should they be inclined to try. So- the real thing to consider about the cloud is ‘will it make me feel better to have this backup system’, and ‘is it providing me with technological benefits?’

The answer for many users is “yes.”

Interested in learning more about how to incorporate the cloud into your everyday? Visit us online at or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

What To Know About Computer Security | Prescott, AZ

The security of our personal computers seems to feel like a bit of a grey area. We want our important files backed up and IP addresses untraceable. Yet, the more we encrypt our computers, the more appealing they become to the everyday hacker.

Cyber security for the everyday computer user doesn’t have to be complicated, here are some tips from our experts:

Change and Secure Passwords – Storing passwords within an encrypted space via a reputable online manager is the best way to keep them. Changing passwords at least four times a year will go a long way in keeping your data secure.

Don’t Overly Secure – There are certain installations such as firewall and a password manager that go a long way in keeping your computer safe from hackers and viruses. Making your personal computer too secure however, makes it attractive to hackers to uncover.

Two Factor Authentication – We understand that two-factor authentication is annoying, but it’s an important security measure. It ensures real people are trying to access your website or email, not a virus.

Unsure of how to make your personal computer secure? Visit us online at or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

A Guide to Passwords | Prescott, AZ

Creating and re-creating every password for every website we regularly interact with seems like a monumental and tedious task. The everyday person doesn’t want to add “change passwords” to their to-do list when the dangers of hacking seem far from them. Unfortunately once a hack into your files occurs, things can move fast, potentially resulting in a loss of your identity.

Here are some things to know about passwords:

Complexity – We hear all the time that this is the most difficult part of password creation. A mix of letters, symbols and capitols all mixed together in 18 characters. Yet, when it comes to your security, it matters. Long, random combinations help keep hackers at bay.

No Similarities – Please never use personal information such as important numbers, birthdays or names In your passwords. It’s easy for hackers to find this information out, and attempt to break into your accounts that way.

New Platform, Different Password – It’s good practice to not repeat passwords across multiple websites, as it tips hackers off to patterns.

Switch them Out – Yes, you should switch out your passwords. Ideally, once a quarter, or four times a year.

It’s important to keep these tips in mind so you don’t become a target for online hacking. In today’s world anything is possible online.

If you are worried you won’t be able to remember all these passwords, you aren’t alone. There are several password manager options that encrypt your passwords from hackers while keeping them all in one place.

If you want to learn more about password security or advice on the creation of strong passwords, visit us online at or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

Common Keyboard Shortcuts for Everyday Efficiency | Prescott, AZ

Do you utilize keyboard shortcuts? There are a few every day key combinations you can use to boost productivity whether you use a Windows or Mac computer. If you haven’t been using keyboard shortcuts, they will go a long way to making your day more efficient. We find that those in creative spaces get a lot out of these shortcuts, but of course they are for everyone.


Ctrl + Z: Undo

No matter what you have been up to on your computer, Ctrl + Z is a universal life saver.

Ctrl + A: Select all

Rather than clicking and dragging your mouse across a paragraph or URL, simply click the general area of text and use Ctrl + A to save you time and finger strain.

Alt + Tab: Toggle

If you are running multiple applications on your screen and need to go back-and-forth, simply use this shortcut to navigate between them. This will save you time because instead of trying to figure out which application is minimized or open when doing multiple things, this lets you see it all at once.

Ctrl + Esc: Open Start Menu

Older generations of windows computers may not have the windows button that later models feature. To open the start menu to access different applications, Ctrl + Esc is a nifty trick!


For Mac users, the command key is the go-to starting point for any shortcuts you may want to make. The trick is to remember which alphabetical keys do what – and try not to mix them up on important projects.

Command + A: Select All

Simply click on the section of text you want to select and use Command + A to highlight the area.

Command + S: Save

This is useful when working on documents when you are in the flow state. We all know saving documents as you go can be a life saver for those files that are too important to lose time on re-typing. Just use Command + S as if it were part of the paragraph, and your content will be saved as you go!

Shift + Command + 4: Screenshot

This little trick will turn your mouse icon into a little plus sign that will allow you to drag it across any area of the screen you want to take a picture of. Once you release the left mouse the photo will save right to your desktop for easy access from there.

Command + Delete: Move to Trash

For new Mac users, it can take time to remember you have to drag unwanted items to the trash icon. Using Command + Delete on a selected item will do it for you!

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of all the interesting and time saving commands you can control through shortcuts, but they are pretty useful! We hope these work to make your day that much more efficient. For a complete list of shortcuts that work for your computer, these are useful pages for Windows and Mac users.

For more computer tips and tricks, visit us online at or call our experts at 951.737.8558 today!

Easy Computer Maintenance | Prescott, AZ

Computer maintenance may seem like something that is best left to the experts. While you should seek advice and have your computer components cleaned by an expert, basic maintenance can be easier than you think. It’s also important; caring for your computer before things get out of hand goes a long way to the life of your computer.

One of the most important elements of care for our computers may seem like the most simple. It’s important not to eat or drink around your computer and to utilize a padded case whenever it is not being utilized. Over time, seemingly small things like crumbs or a bit of water along the edge of the computer on the desk amount to gunk between the keys. Keeping the components clean will help keep your computer running efficiently for as long as it may go.

External drives are a great investment for computer care. Our computers have limited storage and memory capacity, so when there is an abundance of files it starts to break things down. Transitioning older files or completed projects to an external drive will help keep the amount of files you computer has to track to a minimum. This allows it to become more efficient with other processes and ultimately keeps the hard drive from becoming overworked.

Another great way to continually maintain your computer is to allow for software updates. Updates patch holes in the system or bugs that outdated technology may leave behind. Rather than an inefficient necessity, updates should be viewed as part and parcel to the longevity of your system. Updates also allow your system to handle files sent from others whose computers could be on the latest version so you aren’t left out.

Properly shutting down you computer, putting it to sleep and keeping the brightness at an appropriate level for the lighting conditions also makes a difference. It helps maintain battery life and tells your computer when it can recover; rather than leaving it on all the time which ruins efficiency over time. We recommend charging your computer when it is off, rather than in use to help maintain the battery life.

Want to learn more about computer maintenance? Visit us online at or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

Keeping Your Hard Drive Safe | Prescott, AZ

The world is full of online security products, because you can never be too safe. It seems there is always another virus or hacker trying to steal someone’s identity or private information. So, we have all of these ways to back up our information. The cloud is secure but can be hacked. It is important that you have a physical hard drive that can keep everything together, in case something happens to your information or internet storage.

Your hard drive is where all of the information on your computer is stored, but like everything, it will begin to develop natural wear and tear, and over time they will start fail. A failure could happen at any time, and without warning. Making sure your hard drive is backed up is also very important.

As your hard drive begins to age, it will begin to show these common signs. If you keep them in mind, you won’t be surprised if it happens to die on you at a moment’s notice.

  • If Windows is always telling you that it needs to check the consistency of your hard drive, it could be trying to tell you your hard drive is about ready to fail.
  • If your computer begins to make strange sounds you don’t typically recognize.
  • Files you use are beginning to suddenly have unexplained errors.
  • A computer begins to slow down doing regular tasks will eventually lead to a complete freeze or crash.

If your computer begins to give you trouble, there’s no need to panic. Make sure that you have everything backed up as much as possible and you won’t become overwhelmed by computer issues.

Call Up & Running Computer Solutions in Prescott, AZ for help with your computer issues at 951-737-8558. Learn more at our website at

Up & Running Computer Solutions proudly serves Prescott and all surrounding areas.