What To Know About Computer Security | Prescott, AZ

The security of our personal computers seems to feel like a bit of a grey area. We want our important files backed up and IP addresses untraceable. Yet, the more we encrypt our computers, the more appealing they become to the everyday hacker.

Cyber security for the everyday computer user doesn’t have to be complicated, here are some tips from our experts:

Change and Secure Passwords – Storing passwords within an encrypted space via a reputable online manager is the best way to keep them. Changing passwords at least four times a year will go a long way in keeping your data secure.

Don’t Overly Secure – There are certain installations such as firewall and a password manager that go a long way in keeping your computer safe from hackers and viruses. Making your personal computer too secure however, makes it attractive to hackers to uncover.

Two Factor Authentication – We understand that two-factor authentication is annoying, but it’s an important security measure. It ensures real people are trying to access your website or email, not a virus.

Unsure of how to make your personal computer secure? Visit us online at urns.net or call us at 951.737.8558 today!

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