A Guide to the World of Information Technology (IT) | Prescott, AZ

If you are reading this, you have likely encountered the tern Information Technology (IT) before. You may associate this industry with cybersecurity, and the physical wiring of a space to ensure the proper function of the wifi and your computer. While those comprise a part of what IT specialists provide clients, that is not the full story. Here is a review of what IT is, and what IT professionals provide to clients- individual and commercial.

According to CompTIA.com, “IT is the use of computer systems or devices to access information… Whether you are storing, retrieving, accessing or manipulating information, IT greatly impacts our everyday lives.” If you are a vendor who employs Square Space to receive payments, you are interacting with IT.

An IT professional implements, supports, maintains, repairs and protects your data and computer system(s). For commercial enterprises, professionals can be part of the installation and maintenance of your company’s systems from the very start. Hiring an IT professional for your business early on allows him or her to understand the building and how best to wire your components for optimal efficiency and maintenance over time. Once they wire your space, they can then go computer-by-computer to ensure your software and hardware are updated and secure. Maintenance contracts then allow your business to operate with a fixed cost for technology repairs whenever you may encounter problems. They will also routinely monitor your systems to ensure that as technology advances, your systems are prepared to handle the latest in security, storage and speed.

Individuals also benefit from consultations with an IT professional. If you get a new computer, want to learn how to safely transfer files or are running into routine technological issues, and IT can walk you through the steps you need. Unlike commercial enterprises, individual IT needs tend to be few-and-far-between. It is always helpful however to gain a secure system, and general understanding of how you can be your own day-to-day IT. When problems arise, enlisting help from a professional is always a good idea to ensure the stability and maintenance of your technology in the future.

Want to learn more about commercial or individual IT services? Visit us online at urns.net or call us at 951.737.8558 today!s

Understanding The Cloud | Prescott, AZ

“The Cloud” comes with a generally faint understanding by most people. It is this elusive idea that your information is stored somewhere “out there”. Its interesting to consider that such a unique and well-marketed concept is generally misunderstood by it’s users and potential users.  Here are the things you should understand about the cloud and how best to utilize it.

The cloud is a cute way to describe the way your data is stored. Rather than being held within your computer’s internal hardware, its accessed over the internet. Data centers around the world, not your computer’s storage, hold the information of cloud users.

It’s natural to wonder if that is safe, effective and why we would ever stray from knowing exactly where our files are stored? The goal of this system is to make access to these files stable and easy for the user. Once imported to the cloud, your files are encrypted and monitored against security threats. It’s effective because it ensures that a copy of your files are retained even if your computer crashes or internal microchips burn out.

Many people who use modern, mainstream technology know that Apple utilizes the cloud to send the photos you take on one device are automatically transferred to another. File sharing is one of the top three reasons to utilize the cloud; file sharing, file storage and backups.

According to Business Insider, benefits of the cloud include “slashed IT costs, more flexibility, increased efficiency, improved security, boosted performance, and the potential for innovation…”

While there are benefits, and many people across the world utilize the cloud for their files, it is important to note its not foolproof. Cloud services ring the bells of opportunity for hackers. Savvy hackers can gain codes that allow access to these files, even if they don’t know your passwords. Yet, they could do this to your personal device as well, should they be inclined to try. So- the real thing to consider about the cloud is ‘will it make me feel better to have this backup system’, and ‘is it providing me with technological benefits?’

The answer for many users is “yes.”

Interested in learning more about how to incorporate the cloud into your everyday? Visit us online at www.urcs.net or call us at 951.737.8558 today!